Judas Priest: Battle Cry

April 11, 2016 Tony Keefer 0

Metal fans around the world received a huge glimmer of hope this week when word was spread that Heavy Metal Icons, Judas Priest is planning to head back to the studio in the near future […]

Neil Young: “Bluenote Café”

December 4, 2015 Tony Keefer 0

  Neil Young: “Bluenote Café” – by Ric Hickey This album is a lot like Neil Young’s career: Far longer than common sense or popular consensus would have dictated, with some mountainous peaks and head-scratching […]

Shinedown: “Threat to Survival”

September 28, 2015 Tony Keefer 0

  With the release of their latest album, “Threat to Survival,” Shinedown offers a motivational kick in the ass to anyone who listens to it. The album, the first since 2012’s “Amarylis,” serves as a […]

Stone Temple Pilots: Solid to the Core

September 25, 2015 Tony Keefer 0

  For the members of Stone Temple Pilots, living the rock n’ roll dream has probably felt more like a nightmare at times.  Despite immense success since their debut album, “Core,” in 1992, guitarist Dean […]

Warrant: J.D Legends – 9/19/15

September 22, 2015 Tony Keefer 0

Hard rock legends, Warrant, delighted the crowd at J.D. Legends on Saturday night with a set list of classics from the band’s deep repertoire, as well as a couple newer tracks from their 2011 release […]

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